Merlins-Bar, The glittering jewel of the internet
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New cpu cooler: Gelid Phantom

Cause the Corsair H100i didn't work properly.

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it's okay


>>35076 Even though it should be you're and not your! Stupid meme people can't even spell! XD

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>>35075 :D


>>35074 Solid explanation, thank you.


The 40x40x10 fan (on the left) in on permanently at full power and the blower fan (on the right) comes on after the first layer is printed and then stays on, it's also variable in speed.
I can easily use a regulator on the 24V supply to get 12V so that part isn't a problem.

I just found and tested the little 12v inline regulator I used on the 12 fan that burned out and it still seems to work perfectly, I got 11.98V constantly. I'm not entirely surprised as the fan I had used was a Gelid Silent 4 and I once used a Gelid Silent 5 to cool an old router which also burned out after a short time. I've seen other people report that the Gelid silent fans are a bit crap. I think if I try a cheap 12v 40mm fan with the inline regulator to see if there are any further problems that will tell me if it's worth getting a Notua 40mm or if I have to think again.
The blower fan is more complicated as I've never seen a silent version of on of those, but I could modify the fan mount to use a 40mm or 50mm standard fan (the original fan was a standard 40mm).

The reason many 3D printers now use 24V is because the heater beds require a lot of power and at 12V it is double the amps compared to 24V and that causes too much heat in the cables and connectors and lead to some burn outs and even fires :/


So, do the fans turn on automatically or are they on constant?

Would it be possible to install an ATX power supply?

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>>35065 I already use this type of fan for the filament cooler with a 3D printed 360 degree nozzle. The main problem with my 3D printer is the fans are 24V and Noctua only make large fans in 24V.

I did try replacing the 40x40x10 fan with a 12v silent fan by using a little inline 12v regulator but the fan burned out after a few hours use. Not sure why, I need to check if the little regulator failed. I put the noisy 24v fan back after that.
I'm going to take another look at the fan situation at some point. I still think it's possible to get it quieter than it is.

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Mounted the fans differently so I can keep the memory heat sink on.

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>>35064 I meant a laptop fan

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Nozzle da doodle noodle

>>35059 you could 3d print a noctua fan for your size or use one of those laptop coolers or 3d print a nozzle.


Nice test! I wish I could get Noctura fans for my 3D printer. Sadly they don't do the correct size and voltage for that.

Iwish I could get back to doing some 3D printer projects but my brain is still too tired to think after all the house repairs. Soon I hope.

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>>35057 dual Noctua NF-F12 on the Gelid Phantom

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Best fans for both silent and cool operation are <drum roll> Noctua NF-F12!
Worth the price.

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The original fans are really silent but that shows in the temps. Again using Cinebench R15 (OpenGL&CPU) at room temp of 19.5°C.

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Max temp after a short Cinebench R15 test, cpu stock, room temp at 19.5°C.