This is what I came home to

I either need to haul the mower out or look for a large goat on sale at a goat store.

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That is a lot of growth, in my estimate. Lucky no kukua grass


>>25135 It is a gas meter and breaker panel but I don't care if someone goes in there. Alert Center sign is pretty much phony. Cameras will catch them shutting off power and the DVR recorder can't be found easily. I'm well insured against fire and theft.
>>25136 Slow grow grass is the lovely thing about St. Augustine. The weeds are another story. In a good way, the weeds are easier to find when tall and a good pair of gloves will nip 'em in the bud with a little tugging, of course.


Is that all it grew in 3 months?!? My grass would grow much that in 2 weeks! :/
Time to buy a tractor mower :D


it will always finds it way.

>>0 is that the gas meter & fuse box out side your house? If so, is that secured too by Alert Center Inc?

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I was under the impression I only had St. Augustine grass mixed with some Bermuda. Where did all these weeds come from. Is that corn? Maybe I need to talk to Seafox for info about harvesting.