"Can someone hug me, please?" So how is it going? Updates? When can we see some vids?
Fantastic 1/10 scale Saturn V launch! http://www.thatvideosite.com/video/launching_a_110_scale_model_of_a_saturn_v_rocket
Didn't know where else to put this one! Funny racing crash! http://clipta.com/Funny_racing_accident__v1886962801
i do it all by hand ;) maybe that is too much info? this is the tut i used, and i really like the rig. IK controllers are really important and make the job of pushing keyframes so much easier. http://www.youtube.com/user/ward7299#p/u/15/hVUxIefdObE
Vis, are you using an automatic rigging plugin or are you doing it by hand?
>>1402 Looks like Stan Smith from American Dad! :D
or like this?
You're not going to make him a gay Batman are you!? ;D
Cool!! great, can't wait :D
Keep up the good work, vis :)
hi grim, thanks for asking. batman is on hold because the rigging sucks. i have a better one, that i'm using for my second "bobi and the ball" animation. so i will plug the bobi rig into batman and start 'er up again soon. bobi animation coming very soon as well! :)
- The Bar 1.3 -