Orcs to go hungry

Hostess, the maker of Twinkies, is seeking to liquidate after failing to come to an agreement with factory bakers. Hard to imagine a world without Twinkies. Woe is we.

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>>20834 just not rule #2

But Murray knew..


>>20833 I thought it quite fitting when the kid tapped Murray with the double barrel.


Bill FUCKING Murray!!


Oops. Forgot the cardio. Thought it was the double tap. I boutht the DVD and watch it every once and a while for a good laugh.


here are all rules:
#2.The Double Tap
#3.Beware of Bathrooms
#4.Wear Seat Belts
#5.No Attachments
#6.The “Skillet”
#7.Travel Light
#8.Get a Kick Ass Partner
#9.With your Bare Hands
#10.Don’t Swing Low
#11.Use Your Foot
#12.Bounty Paper Towels
#13.Shake it Off
#14.Always carry a change of underwear
#15.Bowling Ball
#16.Opportunity Knocks
#17.Don’t be a hero (later crossed out to be a hero)
#18.Limber Up
#19.Break it Up
#20.It’s a marathon, not a sprint, unless it’s a sprint, then sprint
#21.Avoid Strip Clubs
#22.When in doubt Know your way out
#24.Use your thumbs
#25.Shoot First
#26.A little sun screen never hurt anybody
#28.Double-Knot your Shoes
#29.The Buddy System
#30.Pack your stain stick
#31.Check the back seat
#32.Enjoy the little things


Cardio, stay fit..and run plenty ;)


>>20802 Remember what rule #1 was?

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I had to watch this movie again, just for this thread


Well, it's a crying shame a bunch of mooks have destroyed the future of a perfectly good vein-clogging snack that doesn't need an expiration date on it.


I never had a twinky. We just go to our local bakery, nothing beats freshly made goodies!


>>20793 I had one last year, the banana flavored one, but I regretted it. I am striving to eat healthier now..


>>20792 Thank you for being MOSTLY fair and balanced with your posts, Oldballs. ;)

You left out the part about the CEO giving himself that 300% pay increase PRIOR TO THE JANUARY 11, 2012 BANKRUPTCY FILING.

It is difficult to justify workers taking pay cuts while the top execs award themselves 6 to 7 figure incomes, in ANY company.

"The company was asking workers to agree to an 8 percent pay cut, a 20 percent increase in healthcare costs, closure of 10 to 12 plants and changes to pension and workday provisions."

Imagine if the company had just been fair with overall wages, and if the execs had managed the company properly. Imagine if the unions stopped asking for the moon.


I haven't had a twinkie in over 20 years!

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Greed in the company as well

Earlier this year, the then CEO of Hostess was awarded a 300 percent raise (from approximately $750,000 to $2,550,000) and at least nine other top executives of the company received massive pay raises. One such executive received a pay increase from $500,000 to $900,000 and another received one taking his salary from$375,000 to $656,256.




Toughest thing to fix in the world is stupidity. Now I'm gonna have to find something else to clog up my bowel tract with. I used to love a Sno Ball and a cold beer.


>>20788 In this example, as in many lately, the greed is on behalf of the union bosses who would use their members to beat down the "greedy capitalists" regardless of impending financial doom and destruction of the companies they are raping. The companies run out of money, the members lose their jobs, the union bosses escape the blame as they pad their pockets with $400,000 dollar salaries.


>>20785 okay but in my defense I didn't have all the facts.

Still I believe greed and free market..did I say greed? I meant capitalism ruined a lot. Man, I see that here..

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>>20779 Wow, you have that completely wrong Grim.

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Another example of unions working towards their own demise. Instead of coming to an agreement with a company whom has filed bankruptcy for a second time (due to steep retirement and health benefit costs established by said unions) they would rather shut down a generations old company and lose 65,000 jobs than to accept the court ordered paycuts and keep their members employed. Unions have inarguably become one of the Four Horsemen.


God damn. They let their company go bankrupt so they don't have to pay their bakers more money?

You bet the owners 'earned' millions each year..

Capitalism & free market ruined us all


....not to mention no more Ding-Dongs, Ho Ho's, Sno Balls, Donettes and the largest selling white bread in the U.S. Wonder bread. 65,000 workers out of a job.

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Tracking devices and secret information will falter.

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Scientific research will come to a standstill.

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Twinkie weddings will end.