Merlins-Bar, The glittering jewel of the internet
Like a polished turd floating in a sea of shit
Tiny PC at work

Changed the mid tower for a barbone. So much space, less noise, and less heat!

The ASRock DeskMini A300 with a Ryzen 2200G, 16GB, and a 250GB SSD hooked up to a 2560x1440p monitor. Mostly using word, excel, and web based software, so the tower was overkill..but at the time of build Ryzen wasn't there yet.

The only issue is that it doesn't have onboard wifi (it's optional and a pita to install [those antenna's]).

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Sorry for the late reply. Thank you, dude!

(236.2 Kb, 756x602)

>>36462 The picture >>>


You have to be a bit careful with those connectors. They often need a bit of force to get them to connect, but you have to have them in exactly the right spot to connect.

Sadly you can't just solder them as they are actually 2 wires in one like a TV Coax cable.

You also need to be a little careful buying new cables as there are at least 2 different sizes, but I think pretty much all recent wifi cards use 'U.FL' connectors like the one in the picture.

The Bluetooth is probably using an internal antenna as it's only for close range radio signals.


The tiny antenna's on the wires are bent. It didn't snap-on the card as usual so I guess I used too much pressure. <derp>
Luckily the card connectors are fine, so now I just need to find 2 of those (internal) wires. Do you know how they are called?

Would it be possible to solder them, will they still get a signal? Cause I've noticed it does pick-up the bluetooth signal of the downstairs radio.


ASRock produce some good little mobo's, although I found the support a bit crap with the last one I bought.
I fitted an internal wifi card on my current mini ASRock mobo and it isn't too hard to do, I drilled a couple of holes to fit the antennas ass the case didn't have them. You can always use a USB wifi adapter of course.


*barebone not barbone, lol.