Merlins-Bar, The glittering jewel of the internet
Like a polished turd floating in a sea of shit
RIP Charlie

My 17 year old beautiful big sweet boy has suffered with mouth inflammation that makes eating difficult and painful for about 18 months. He's had injections every 3 weeks to help with it but slowly it got worse. Over the weekend we decided it was the right time to call it.

Thanks for all the love little man. Rest well.

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Spider cat, spider cat... XD

I'll get another cat or two at some point, but with money very tight until the old house sells It'll have to wait. I thankfully have neighbours with cats & dogs so I can still pet them :)

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Hey hey, how's trix?

Are you thinking of getting a new kitty?


I'm fine. I miss him and it's going to be weird getting used to the change, but I have no regrets about any of it, just happy memories :)


Aw dude, I'm so sorry to hear that. He had a wonderful life with you.

How are you coping?