Slugging it out in Canada

Protesters want a private owned gold mine to be nationalized. Don't know about you but I first thought this picture came from China.

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Nice! block and a straight right.... lady got skillz...... lot of CHinese and Indian people here in Toronto.... taking ova the city.


Yeah, the article I read made it sound as though the slug-fest was in Canada. NOW, the fight makes no sense whatsoever because common people are whacking each other that aren't going to realize any of the profits anyway. Kinky Hentaii sounds good.


Wow, this is confusing. Had to read into it further. Turns out that the brawl pictured was in China. The argument is in anger against a goverment that has allowed the foreign company (Toronto-based Centerra Gold) to use accounting tricks to reduce its tax liabilities. Shouldn't these people be off drawing up some more kinky Hentaii and Anime?